The Process
April 15, 2020
According to Deming’s process definition created in the ’50s:
The Process would be divided into stages; the work would enter a certain stage, change state and continue, having as client the next stage. The final step would be for the user, buyer of the product or service, the main link of the production line. At each stage there would be production, that is, something would happen in the assets that enter the stage, causing its exit in a different state.
The original text is converted below in the first nine “gold” rules. Then, a new tenth rule is added, in order to establish the oficial Process specification.
Stage 1 ► Stage 2 ► … ► Consumer
- The Process is divided into Stages;
- The work enters a Stage, changes state, and proceeds with the next Stage as a client;
- At each Stage there is production, that is, something happens in the set of assets that enter a Stage, causing their exit in a different state;
- Each Stage incorporates continual improvement of methods and procedures to meet subsequent Stages;
- Each Stage cooperates with the next and the previous, seeking optimization;
- The Stages shall establish long-term trust relationships, such as: This is what I can do for you; Here’s what you can do for me;
- The final Stage is for the consumer, purchaser of the product or service;
- The Stages work together, aiming at quality and customer satisfaction;
- Consumer is the main link of the production line;
- The Process consumes products of nature and transforms them into other products of nature.
- The Stages are designed according to the skills and workflows required by the Process;
- Each Stage shall incorporate a process of continuous improvement, or kaizen;
- With the assistance of SPC, JIT, TPM and TOC, management shall establish operational definitions related to the Process;
- Management should perform sampling, measurement and control charts that assess the quality of production;
- An extra tenth rule is added to Deming’s definition, in order to clarify that a cyclic behavior is expected. Actually, it is a consequence of rules six and seven.
This project is published in Business Amplifier, also e-book and Amplificador de Negócios.