Times of Gain
May 17, 2020
Stage Model
The Stage revised model shows below the Facility resources divided into two categories:
- FacilityInfra: includes infrastructure items, like Shop Floor Area, Energy, etc.
- FacilityOp: includes operational items with Skills, like Tools and Workers.
classDiagram Planet --> "1..n" Product : populated_by Product --> "1..n" Process : made_by Process --> "1..n" Stage : composed_of Stage --> "1..n" Resource : uses Stage --> Stage : previous Stage --> Stage : next Worker --> "1..n" Skill : has_skill Worker --> "0..n" Tool : commands Tool --> "0..n" Tool : commands Tool --> "1..n" Skill : has_skill Resource <|-- Cyclo : from_cyclo Cyclo <|-- RM : external Cyclo <|-- WIP : internal Resource <|-- Facility : from_facility Facility <|-- FacilityInfra : infrastructure FacilityInfra <|-- Energy FacilityInfra <|-- Area Facility <|-- FacilityOp : operation FacilityOp <|-- Worker FacilityOp <|-- Tool Stage --> "1..n" Skill : requires
Stage Resources
When the Cyclo is running, each Stage should allocate all necessary Resources before receiving the “green” light to be executed. The diagram below shows the allocation, execution and release states for each Stage.
stateDiagram [*] --> Resource_Allocation : Cyclo is running Resource_Allocation --> Stage_Execution Stage_Execution --> Resource_Release Resource_Release --> [*] state Resource_Allocation { [*] --> Cyclo [*] --> FacilityInfra [*] --> Skill Cyclo --> RM Cyclo --> WIP RM --> [*] : rm_ok WIP --> [*] : wip_ok FacilityInfra --> Energy FacilityInfra --> Area Energy --> [*] : energy_ok Area --> [*] : area_ok Skill --> FacilityOp FacilityOp --> Tool Tool --> [*] : tool_skill_ok FacilityOp --> Worker Worker --> [*] : worker_skill_ok } state Stage_Execution { execution } state Resource_Release { [*] --> WIP WIP --> Cyclo : wip_free [*] --> Area Area --> FacilityInfra : area_free [*] --> Energy Energy --> FacilityInfra : energy_free [*] --> Tool Tool --> FacilityOp : tool_skill_free [*] --> Worker Worker --> FacilityOp : worker_skill_free }
Resource Allocation
- From the Cyclo may eventually come RM, and WIP generated at previous Stage.
- Infrastructure Resources are obtained from the Facility, like Energy and Shop Floor Area.
- The Skills indicate Operational Resources to be sought in the Facility, like Tools and Workers.
- For each required Resource, check its availability. If not available, the Stage must wait.
- At Resource allocation, there may be a delay due to the Resource Allocation Time.
- Before each Stage execution, there may be a delay due to the Resource Setup Time.
Stage Execution
- As soon as resources are allocated and setup, the Stage is executed, according to rule three of Deming’s Process specification: At each Stage there is production, that is, something happens in the set of assets that enter a Stage, causing their exit in a different state.
- The Stage execution expects to introduce a delay known as the Stage Execution Time.
Resource Release
- After execution, the allocated Resources may be freed and become available for other Stages.
- Any resulting WIP must be released for the next Stage of the Cyclo.
- Remaining Facility allocated Resources should be released to FacilityInfra and FacilityOp.
- At Resource release, there may be a delay due to the Resource Release Time.
- Some optimization may prevent Facility from eventual unnecessary release/reallocation, according to rule five of Deming’s Process specification: Each Stage cooperates with the next and the previous, seeking optimization.
Stage Timing
The timing during the Resource allocation, execution and release is shown below.
sequenceDiagram autonumber rect rgb(0, 0, 255, .3) Alloc-->>Setup: Resource Allocation Time end rect rgb(0, 0, 255, .3) Setup-->>Execution: Resource Setup Time end rect rgb(0, 255, 0, .3) Execution->>Release: Stage Execution Time end rect rgb(0, 0, 255, .3) Release-->>Free: Resource Release Time end rect rgb(255, 0, 255, .3) Alloc->>Free: Stage Total Time end
These times should be specified by the Process, since it defines the Stage sequence for the Cyclo. The actual amount of time each Stage will require at run time is ultimately defined by the Cyclo and Facility implementations. All timing should be analyzed as statistical distributions, subject to variations due to existing common and special causes in the Process, according to SPC (Statistical Process Control) directives.
This project is published in Business Amplifier, also e-book and Amplificador de Negócios.