
The Cyclo

April 18, 2020

Gain is the most important measure In order to discuss the Cyclo, it is necessary to assume that Gain is the most important measure when it comes to increase the Net Profit. Check the Net Profit and Gain formulas below: \( \begin{aligned} NP&=(PS-RM)-(WF+OH) \\ G&=PS-RM \\ \end{aligned} \) NP: Net Profit; G: Gain; PS: Product Sales; RM: Raw Material; WF: Workforce; OH: Overhead Definitely, it is possible to improve NP just by decreasing any of the expenses. ...

Company & Planet

April 17, 2020

The Company and the Planet The following relationships rule the interaction between the Company and the Planet. COMPANY The Company has Investors that own Shares that decide how to manage a Facility that implements a bAmpli Circuit with at least one bAmpli that handles at least one Cyclo composed by one Stage or more. PLANET The Planet is a living System populated by cooperative Work made by a Process expressed by a bAmpli Circuit with at least one bAmpli that handles at least one Cyclo composed by one Stage or more. ...

The Stage

April 28, 2020

In order to analyze thoroughly the Stage of the Process, we should consider the production flows that results in the final Product for the consumer. The Production Flow Although the following example shows a manufacturing process, these flows can also be applied to generic environments where resources are used for tasks that require skills, to achieve a goal. In order to extract a process sample, the P&Q Factory, shown below, will be used as an example. ...

Times of Gain

May 17, 2020

Stage Model The Stage revised model shows below the Facility resources divided into two categories: FacilityInfra: includes infrastructure items, like Shop Floor Area, Energy, etc. FacilityOp: includes operational items with Skills, like Tools and Workers. mermaid.initialize({ flowchart: { useMaxWidth:true } }); classDiagram Planet -- "1..n" Product : populated_by Product -- "1..n" Process : made_by Process -- "1..n" Stage : composed_of Stage -- "1..n" Resource : uses Stage -- Stage : previous Stage -- Stage : next Worker -- " ...